Dr. Montessori once said: "Never treat children as dull individuals, whatever they can do contributes to adults, or treat them as one empty can to be filled up by us. In fact, it is children who build adults, each adult is built from own childhood. But our children are absorbing the information of surrounding world and being shaped and integrated in the future adults."
Parents must have a thorough understanding of what the children are really like:
children are gifted with the basic impetus for longing for growth, expansion and development;
they are eager for independence, they have strong esteem and sensitivity;
they learn by sense organs and must learn from doing;
concentration is their talent, repetition is their most important learning method. They prefer real work to game, they are very interest in the process instead of the final result;
their learning is mostly within their imitation scope;
they only know their own feeling and desire. Understanding and considerations for others are the features of adults, which should be gradually cultivated through many years of contact with the society.
Parents can give the children most proper help only by fully understanding what they are really like.