Respect for children, child-centered | |
Respect for children means: recognition of children's emotions, to understand children's feelings. If a child is respected, he was prone to self-confidence, a sense of security, so that children will naturally respect for others; If a child is always being trampled, insulted, not always to be respected, he is difficult to have respect for other people's views . The point is that parents should respect the child is a separate entity, not the accessories. We normally speak with the child, the best bend over and with his eyes relative, do not use a "lofty" perspective. Conversely, when the children speak with us, we have to listen carefully, although the children often made that child child language, but must be meaningful to him, would say, so parents should pay attention to the child saying.
In the end what is called "child-centered" mean? How to become just the right size will not condone child? This is a question worth pondering. Children in Taiwan are polarized, not to be spoiled rotten too far into Sundance Kid, what is their "I (Child)" as the center; or else the other extreme, beaten, abused, being humiliated, being not the people yelled, very polarized. So the first thing to clarify is that "child-centered" is definitely not for children to be home bully, but an educational point of view, to see our children what kind of learning environment and content designed specifically for him , this is called "child-centered." |