Introduction to Elite’s International Montessori Kindergarten
大直幼兒園 台大幼兒園 內湖幼兒園 北投幼兒園 竹北幼兒園 聯盟 總部 蓉新幼兒園(籌備中) 大安森林園(籌備中) 快樂幼兒園

Elite’s International Montessori Kindergarten is a well-known children education brand undertaking system jointly established by the initiator and all team members by using their professional knowledge, which aims to cultivate the next generation of elites with international view and will spare no pains to accomplish the following goals and visions: Innovation: use Elite's learning method, adopt advanced environment equipment, integrate whole language teaching concept and accomplish the state of international high quality. Wisdom: guide into happiness via situation, introduce respect to others, cultivate spontaneous learning and independent thinking logic, and realize whole personality education of dealing with things with wisdom and treating others with mercy. Dedication: cultivate elite teacher group, depend on whole-hearted dedication of merits and virtues to diligently cultivate and educate children into the next generation of elites with whole personality and international view. Satisfaction: rigor system organization, careful implementation and responsible team lead to the satisfaction of all parties (students, parents, headquarters and management team).

In the digital information times, e-enterprises have become one tendency. Elite’s International Montessori Kindergarten upgrades itself with brand new e-service and business mode to present the exclusive style and service appeal of the Kindergarten, and enable all partners to get powerful support when sprinting in their causes through league marketing; Elite’s International Montessori Kindergarten provides full service for childhood education, establishes e-learning for knowledge economy age, and follows the education tenet of Montessori to adopt Montessori teaching method and Elite’s American English Only and double mother tongues (Chinese and English) environment, provide natural and ecological education, extend to elaboration of international culture feeling and personal experience of future life style, stimulate children's imagination and let them exert infinite creation space. Elite’s learning method will create a complete, sound and joyful learning environment for children.