Brand Features
大直幼兒園 台大幼兒園 內湖幼兒園 北投幼兒園 竹北幼兒園 聯盟 總部 蓉新幼兒園(籌備中) 大安森林園(籌備中) 快樂幼兒園
A National Union for the future of the industry elite enlightenment International Montessori Kindergarten for the training of the future of the industry elite, enlightened by the quality of pre-school started, Elite's teaching system is designed for children to learn from the outside environment to inherent physical and mental development, and create smart education to do a series of design and planning. The external environment is based on the needs of young children closest to the natural landscape with the (green earth, brown cabin), and children should be curious, to explore the characteristics of the natural ecology in the environment will be integrated into teaching, she let the children in their own more interested in exploring the learning environment. Intrinsic to the Enlightenment concept of years of Montessori teaching and educational purposes, respect for individual differences among children, gradually lead into the intelligent all-round development of eight, children learn to grasp the nature of verbal memory, creating the nation's language, dual language (Chinese, U.S.) environment , so that children naturally use the language, give us a natural high-quality learning environment for children, in-depth ... curiosity, exploration, fun learning, and personality traits can be inspired to carry out a full range of ...
Wisdom (Wisdom) to the development of natural
Truly international perspective view of (International)
Happy to import pleasant environment (Delighted) state of mind
Guide to respect other people respect teachers (Esteem)
Develop spontaneous learning, independent thinking and logic, critical thinkers and life- long learners, a future is infinitely wide (WIDE) the future of all walks of life elite (Elite's)