Teaching Spirit of Elite's System
大直幼兒園 台大幼兒園 內湖幼兒園 北投幼兒園 竹北幼兒園 聯盟 總部 蓉新幼兒園(籌備中) 大安森林園(籌備中) 快樂幼兒園
Montessori teaching as the main concept of the combination simultaneously with the United States preschool children's native language (U.S. language) learning environment, the U.S. language teaching plans.
Active experience with emphasis on early childhood learning, and from the environment to implement the second mother tongue.
European style cabin with bold green urban landscape planning, in addition to the children safe learning space for children to observe nature more rich experience, and thus realize the solemn nature, and respect for life.
1. Montessori Method
2. To create immersion, dual language (Chinese, U.S. language) learning environment
3. Ecological Education