Who is Maria Montessori? Translated term of Montessori Origin of What does Montessori environment include? What are the features of Montessori environment? Why call Montessori Why does Montessori adopt mixed-age education? What activities will be conducted in Montessori classroom? Why is What is sensitive period? Discussion on freedom and discipline in Montessori environment. Will the children under Montessori education lose their creativity? How to cultivate concentration? Social development of children under Montessori education How to be a competent Montessori directress? What role does an directress play in Montessori environment? Why are only 2-3 adults allocated for Montessori environment? What are the opinions of Montessori teaching on bilingual education? How do parents mutually coordinate with Montessori environment? How do parents treat their children? What is the content of teaching training course in Montessori education?